Hello, my name is Radek. I do typeface design, font development and lettering. I create fonts as they are a constantly evolving form of cultural expression. Type provide a unique voice in visual communication, bridging together local traditions and global trends, while drawing inspiration from the past.

I hold a degree in Printmaking from Nicolaus Copernicus University and an MA in Typeface Design from the University of Reading. After working as a graphic designer, I gradually transitioned to full-time type design. In 2024, I launched this online shop to sell my typefaces directly.

I’m always open to collaborations, custom projects, or typeface modifications. Feel free to reach out to me at:


Typefaces I have published with other foundries (which you can also see below) are:

Minetto (Dalton Maag)
Granda (The Designers Foundry)
Radius (Threedotstype)
Kornel (CAST)
Jantar Sharp (CAST)
Jantar Flow (CAST)
FF Kaytek Superfamily (FontFont/Monotype)

If you’d like to know more about those projects, check the articles:
CAST on Kornel; CAST on Jantar; AIGA on Radius.